Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Video Blogs?

For those of you who are uncomfortable with sharing your thoughts on your blog...be prepared for this new trend of video bloging.What if you could accompany someone as they carry on with their daily activities- watch each and every move they make? No, it's not stalking. Apparently blogers are taking a step further and using video blogs to capture details of their lives. Instead of a bloger writing about whatever is on their mind, now they can voice it out loud in a personal video blog. Blogers now are no longer annonymous writers- video blogs allow one to put a name with a face.
Jeffrey Ressner's recent Time article, "See Me, Blog Me," includes an interview with Jeff Jarvis, founder of BuzzMachine.com.
"Vlogs are a weird, new kind of way that people can document their lives," says Jarvis. "It has the potential to be the farm team for new talent used by big, mainstream media. Suddenly anybody can become an Andy Rooney,"commented Jarvis.
Is this trend going to catch on? Who knows. Check out some free video blog cites below:

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