Friday, February 23, 2007

Heal Magazine- Launching a Blog for a Cause!

Our Advanced Communications Skills class is in the process of developing a blog for the new Heal magazine. Visit Heal Magazine online-

What is Heal?
Heal, a magazine written for cancer survivors, strives to help patients nurture their mind, body, and spirit as they transition into a period of recovery.

The Blog?
There are so many blogs floating around in the blogosphere- how do you make it stand out? Since this blog is written about cancer the content is sensitive, but it should be welcoming-bright and colorful. If the blog is filled with pages and pages of type it can be overwhelming. The blog of course should contain valuable information- but different than what you can find on a bookshelf.
Blogs connect people. A blog should be a place where people feel free and comfortable to exchange information. Connect cancer survivors to other survivors. Many cancer websites feature encouraging stories or patient profiles. Perhaps if there is a daily profile or a documented online journal written by a recent survivor- there would be a steady traffic to the blog. A daily story would keep bloggers interested and involved- there would be constant traffic to the blog because “fans” would often check for updates. Sally Young, a bone cancer survivor, has an excellent blog ( The blog can promote discussion of past articles found in Heal, book recommendations by staff. Blogs are a GREAT resouce for feedback-know what your readers want to know! Since Heal focuses on the mind, body, and soul, the blog could consist of three main sections.

MIND- How much does the mind influence the body? Can mind and body interventions improve one’s wellbeing? Self-image and cancer.
BODY- getting the body back into a healthy state- exercise, healthy food , self image and cancer.
SOUL-dealing with pain, exploring spirituality.
-An interactive platform that allows experts, not just doctors but health and fitness experts as well, to chat with cancer survivors.

Blogs can host many “fancy” features. Videos are an excellent medium to incorporate on blogs. The blog could feature videos detailing how to make healthy recipes, exercise instructions, yoga, etc- all geared towards healing the mind, body, and soul.
Also- many cancer websites have a disclaimer at the top warning that the information provided should not be subsitited for professional medical advice- see ( don’t know if Heal has any plans to reach out to the local Dallas community since the magazine is based here. The blog could have a local section to alert people of upcoming events- fundraisers, marathons etc. Essentially, survivors could connect person to person and create a meaningful support system.

To be continued


Renee Noseff said...

Great ideas Allison! I really like your categories of Mind, Body and Soul. I hope Heal takes your advice and run with some of your ideas!

College Bloggers said...

As always, Allison, you're right on target. Good suggestions.

Unknown said...

i just read your piece, and i think its fine...actually i plan on setting up a public relations consultancy company and i have got no idea how to go about it.....a little help from u wont hurt.right? pls get back to me thank u very much for your time....